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Deputy Mayor stepping down


Due to a difference in interpretation of what the role of Deputy Mayor entails and the expectations of the Mayor within that role, Deputy Mayor Steven Gillett has resigned as Deputy Mayor. Mayor Helen Lash thanks Steven for his contribution in the role over the last six months and looks forward to the Council continuing their positive working relationship.

“The role of Deputy Mayor involves working very closely with the Mayor, and supporting the Mayor. This could be through taking the lead on managing some of the issues or concerns that can and do arise, along with community group interaction, and taking the Mayor’s place in their absence,” says Mayor Lash. “Staying connected with various community groups, residents, businesses and other community members that are affected by the decisions made is vital to enable their views to be considered. With the Deputy Mayor’s assistance, it allows us to reach as many interested groups within the community as possible.

Regarding the appointment of a new Deputy Mayor, I will be finalising that soon with the expectation that they will be formally appointed at the Council meeting in April.”

Mr Gillett will remain on Council as an elected member for the Hokitika Ward.


Media enquiries to:

Emma Rae, Strategy and Communications Advisor