Find out about Council, meetings, our plans, policies and bylaws and other publications.
About council
The Westland District Council was formed in 1989 from the amalgamation of Westland County Council and Hokitika Borough Council. It is a territorial local authority governed by the Local Government Act 2002.
Mayor and councillors
The Mayor and Councillors are elected every three years. The elected representatives are drawn from three wards: Northern, Hokitika, and Southern.
Council committees
Council has adopted a structure of five standing committees and two sub-committees, plus the Chief Executive’s Review Committee, for the 2019 – 2022 triennium.
Our commitment to Mana Whenua
Council welcomes and encourages Māori contribution to its decision-making processes.
Meeting calendar, agendas and minutes
Westland District Council's meeting schedule, agendas and minutes.
Plans, policies and bylaws
Westland District Council's plans, policies, bylaws, reports, and fees and charges.
Key projects
Here are the key projects that are happening in the Westland district now.
Westland District Council's current and past publications, including Dog Control Annual Reports, LGOIMA responses and proactively released information.
Read about jobs and careers at Westland District Council.