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Property, rates, and consents

Resource consents

A resource consent is a formal approval under the Resource Management Act 1991 that is required when a proposed building or activity does not comply with all of the relevant rules in a District Plan.

The District Plan can be viewed online or at the Westland District Council offices, during normal working hours.

The rules ensure that buildings and other activities within a zone are in keeping with the surrounding or planned environment and provide a reasonable level of amenity for neighbours. They specify limits and requirements for matters such as:

  • building size and location
  • permitted types of activity
  • parking and traffic
  • minimum section sizes.

Resource consent applications can be complex. We recommend speaking to one of our Planners before you start.

The Ministry for the Environment has provided a series of publications on everyday matters relating to the Resource Management Act 1991 and resource consent processes.

The guides can be viewed at

If you are intending to subdivide, build or change the current activity on your property, you may require resource consent to do so.

If you wish to undertake a rezone of your property or make changes to provisions in the District Plan, a plan change application will be required. Information on how to gain approval for your activity can be found by clicking on the relevant links below. Some activities may also require resource consent from the West Coast Regional Council, please contact our planning team at if you have any queries.

A resource consent is separate to a building consent which confirms that building work complies with the Building Act 2004 and the building code. You may need one or both types of consent for your proposal. 

Te Tai Poutini One District Plan

In 2018 the Local Government Commission directed Westland, Buller and Grey District Councils to develop a combined District Plan, with the statutory function transferred to the West Coast Regional Council. This means that, rather than each of the three District Councils preparing individual plans, Te Tai o Poutini Plan Committee is now responsible for preparing and approving a new combined district plan covering the whole of the West Coast.

For more information and updates see the TTPP website.

Compliance Monitoring

Monitoring of Resource Consents

Council is in the process of monitoring resource consents. The process is being undertaken to identify if resource consents are being utilised and to ensure the conditions are being complied with. There is an obligation for Council to monitor resource consents under the Resource Management Act 1991.

Please ensure that you read and understand the conditions of your resource consent. Some conditions require work in addition to the proposed activity. For example, land use consents may require the vehicle accessway is formed to standard. If you have any questions on the conditions of consent, please contact our Planning Department:

The consent holder is legally responsible for the activity granted under the resource consent and will be liable for any work to ensure compliance with the resource consent conditions.

All costs associated with monitoring are the responsibility of the consent holder. Council’s fees and charges are set in the 2024/2025 Annual Plan

RMA Compliance & Enforcement Policy is available here 

Phone calls

If you do not reach the duty planner by phone on 03 756 9099 please leave a message. Messages will be responded to within 48 hours during the times that a duty planner is available.


If you send a query to you will receive a response within 48 hours during the times that a duty planner is available.

We have a range of helpful brochures available below to help you along with the process. You can also always contact us with any queries.

There are many signs throughout Westland serving many different purposes. Did you know that under the Westland District Plan advertising for activities or facilities outside of the District is not allowed? Also, advertising on land which is on a separate title to the business or activity is considered non-complying.

Council will be sending letters or emails out to parties whose advertising is not on the same title as their activity. The following information is specifically in relation to signage in the Westland District Plan and should be considered when applying for a resource consent.

See our District Plan sections below with further information:

4.4 Amenity
4.6 Infrastructure and Services
8.2 Signs
District Plan: Definition of signs
Appendix F: Signs in Hokitika and the Tourist Zone

View our educational video on signage on YouTube:

If you have any queries please contact or phone 756 9099.

Current fees can be found in our fees and charges under Resource Consents.