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Westland District Council


Many internet users with disabilities find web sites difficult or even impossible to use simply because of the way they are designed.

We are aware of the types of adaptive technology used by people with disabilities and ensure compatibility with as many of these systems as possible. This includes keeping text clear, formatting layouts and tables, and making sure links adequately describe where they go.

This site has been built to meet the standards set by the New Zealand Government for accessibility. You can find out more about theNew Zealand e-Govt Compliance Standards on their website.

If you come across a part of our site that is difficult to use please tell us about it. We intend to keep improving our accessibility − so to help us do it, send us your comments.

Standards compliance

This site has been built to meet New Zealand e-Government recommendations for standards compliance.


Images used throughout this site to enhance content include descriptive “alt” attributes.

Visual aids and readability

This site supports multiple text sizes to make text more readable through the text-size links in the upper-right corner.