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Schools and Education

Information about Westland District's various schools and other education centres catering for multiple age groups.

Early childhood education

There are multiple ECE centres around the Westland District. Below are a few of the ones in Hokitika, note that this is not a complete listing for the district.

Primary and secondary school education

The Westland District has 12 primary and secondary schools which cater for multiple age groups.

Enviroschools Westland

The Enviroschools programme encourages children and young people to become catalysts for change. Local facilitators work alongside students, teachers, whānau and communities to plan, design and implement sustainability actions across five key areas: Zero Waste, Water of Life, Energy, Ecological Building, Living Landscapes.

Enviroschools programme

Westland District Council is a funding partner of Enviroschools West Coast, which is a partnership between Westland, Grey, and Buller District Councils, Department of Conservation and the Toimata Foundation.

There are 7 Enviroschools in the Westland District as at August 2020. To find out which schools are participating and for more information check out the Enviroschools website.

If you would like to keep up to date with West Coast Enviroschools’ activities, you can sign up for their newsletter here.

Further education: local

Further education: distance/correspondence

Here's a selection of distance learning opportunities in New Zealand.