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Consultation archive

Annual Plan 2022/2023

Proposed average rate increase: 12.5%

12.5% is the increase indicated in our LTP for year 2. We are achieving this by smoothing any additional increase into years 4 and 5. However, in the longer term smoothing increases into later years is unsustainable as continual smoothing would result in the need for short-term loan funding for operational costs resulting in an increase in rates.

Our proposed plan is designed to respond to the current challenges we are facing, while still providing a high-level of service in the most affordable way to the community.

Feedback on the Draft Annual Plan 2022/2023 has now closed. Thank you to everyone who shared their thoughts.

The submission hearing is on Tuesday 14 June 2022 at 9am.

Read more

Draft Annual Plan 2022/2023 Community Feedback Document

Draft Annual Plan 2022/2023


What's in our Plan?

Council, like every other organinsation, business and household is facing many challenges that we are addressing in this plan:

  • Rising costs and supply shortages
  • Getting the right people for the job
  • Inflation
  • Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic
  • Three Waters Reform

Read more about the current challenges in the Community Feedback Document.

Responding to 3 waters regulation

New regulations introduced for public consultation in January 2022, set to come into force July 2022. Council will be required to purchase water monitoring equipment and treatment systems for 9 drinking water plants. Increased cost for chemicals and testing.

Review of fees and charges

We propose to increase many fees and charges by at least 5.9% (CPI) as part of our policy for user-pays.

Revenue and expenses

We are proposing to increase the budget for some activity areas and we have reviewed our expenses and identified where budgets have changed.

Capital Expenditure

Where we are continuing our capital programme as planned, we now have to account for greater costs due to inflation. We have also included some new projects at the request of elected members.

Read more about our proposed changes in the Community Feedback Document.

To find out about what the indicative rates are likely to be if Council adopts all of the proposals and the preferred options outlined in this document see p 8 of the Annual Plan 2022/2023 Community Feedback Document or p 31 of the Draft Annual Plan 2022/2023.

Information on your property’s proposed rates for 2022/2023 will be available in the Council’s Rating Information Database (RID) in the month of May 2022.

Submissions open: 9am, Friday 6 May 2022

Submissions close: 5pm, Monday 6 June 2022

Hearing, Deliberation and Decision: 9am, Tuesday 14 & Wednesday 15 June 2022 (Day two will only be used if necessary)


Please note: submissions will be publicly available on the council’s website, through inclusion in council agendas, and/or retrievable by request under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987. Contact details will redacted under the Privacy Act 1993.