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West Coast Regional Speed Management Plan

Reducing the speed limits on local roads around schools and towns in our area is a key focus that will achieve significant safety benefits for the community.

The West Coast Regional Council has introduced the first regional Speed Management Plan for the West Coast, outlining the speed limit changes on our roads around local schools, towns, and some rural areas.

The Speed Management Plan provides the ten-year vision and the first three-year program for implementing safe and appropriate speed limits across local roads in our region.  The plan details how our region will transition from current speed limits to a new, more flexible approach that better acknowledges the surrounding environment in our communities.

This initiative is a big step forward in our commitment to ensuring safer roads for all road users and our dedication to improving safety standards across the country. 

There were seven fatal crashes and 46 serious injuries in the Westland, Buller, and Grey Districts between 2018 and 2022. The seven fatal crashes alone resulted in a social cost of around $35 million. This highlights the financial impact of these incidents and the need for effective measures to improve road safety and keep our community safe.

To support the vision of a safe, resilient, and connected transport network, we need to create a transport network that is safe for all users with the target of reducing deaths and serious injuries on local roads in our region.

We have prioritised schools and high-priority roads and areas for speed limit reviews based on evidence-based risk profiles. Not all changes are going to occur at once, we are using a staged approach to speed management and changes will occur over the next three years.

  • Proposed speed changes for local roads outside schools will be implemented by June 2024.
  • Proposed speed changes for high-priority roads and areas will be implemented by June 2026.

We are proposing to introduce safe speed limits outside schools and are looking to lower speed limits to permanent and variable 30km/h for schools in urban and rural areas. We are also proposing lower speed limits around schools to enhance safety, particularly during times when children are crossing the street or being picked up and dropped off. 

List of schools – proposed permanent and variable 30 km/h

  • Fox Glacier School
  • Haast School
  • Hokitika Primary School
  • Kokatahi-Kowhitirangi School
  • Kumara School
  • Ross School
  • South Westland Area School
  • Westland High School

Schools located on State Highways are excluded from these lists, as they fall under the responsibility of New Zealand Transport Agency Waka Kotahi.

Click here to view the current and proposed speed limits outside schools.


We are planning to lower speeds on selected high-priority roads and areas to create a safer environment. We have proposed lowering speed limits to 30 km/h for towns and 40 km/h to 60 km/h for urban fringe and rural roads. These speeds make it a safer environment for all, and if crashes do occur, these lower speeds are more survivable.

List of high-priority roads – proposed permanent 60 km/h or less

  • Arahura Pa Road
  • Old School Road
  • Alymer Place
  • Charles Douglas Drive
  • Donovan Drive
  • Fergusons Place
  • Highlander Drive
  • McFettrick Place
  • Middleton Place
  • Pioneer Drive
  • Wanganui Flat Road
  • Inanga Place
  • Kaniere Road
  • Pine Tree Road
  • Russell Road
  • Takutai Terrace
  • East B Road
  • Greenstone Road
  • Union Street
  • Mount Greenland Road
  • Ross Beach Road
  • Woolhouse Road

Click here to view the current and proposed speed limits on high-priority roads.