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Chlorination ready to commence


Works to chlorinate the Westland drinking water supply are nearing completion. “Water treatment supplies at Kumara, Arahura, Harihari, Whataroa and Haast, which are currently unchlorinated, are ready to be chlorinated,” advises Martin Ross, Engineer 3 Waters.

“All the equipment has been installed at these plants and commissioned through contractors Filtec, Westroads, and Hamish Hamilton Electrical Ltd. A flushing programme of the reticulation for each site began in the middle of August to minimise the possibility of odour or taste issues for customers once chlorination commences. Odour or taste issues can happen as the chemical reacts with residual organic material in pipelines before properties.”

“Council plans to begin the chlorination programme from 29 August beginning with the treatment plant in Kumara then moving down the coast finishing with Haast by mid-October.”

Chlorinated water is supplied only to properties on Council’s water supply network. Implementation is to meet compliance with the Drinking Water Quality Assurance Rules 2022. These rules primarily impose requirements on drinking water suppliers relating to supplying safe drinking water.


Media enquiries to:

Emma Rae, Strategy and Communications Advisor