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Council’s 2023/2024 Annual Plan adopted


Westland District Council adopted the 2023/2024 Annual Plan at Friday’s extraordinary meeting. The final Plan sets an average rate increase of 0.22%.

“I believe that the plan we have settled on is fair to as many ratepayers as possible,” says Mayor Helen Lash. “We did our very best to keep rate increases low. By making the decision to not fund the depreciation of three waters this year, the major benefit was going to be for ratepayers whose properties have Council water services. So, we used the tools that are available to us through the rating policy to provide some relief for rural and residential ratepayers who would not benefit from that decision. It is the general rate, that funds most of Council’s activities, where there was the largest increase. Much of that increase was for the same reason other household bills are going up – electricity costs are increasing, interest rates are higher and the cost of insurance continues to rise.”

Following the hearing of submissions in early June, the Council agreed to proceed with the project to build a permanent toilet block in the Otira township and has allocated $325,000 to the project. The cost has decreased based on a change to the design. A funding application has been made to the Tourism Infrastructure Fund and Council is also committed to seeking support from stakeholders such as Kiwirail and DoC to help offset costs to ratepayers.

Other changes from the draft plan include funding for fencing and increasing the maintenance grant for Lazar Park, which will allow the toilets to be opened to the public, and maintaining the fees and charges for the Carnegie Gallery and Museum at 2022/2023 levels.

Thank you once again to all those that contributed to the Annual Plan.


Media enquiries to:

Emma Rae, Strategy and Communications Advisor