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Council to consider 3 Waters Reform Funding

Council will consider the best approach to take for its 3 Waters infrastructure at the Council meeting on Thursday 27 August 2020.

“We are pleased with the announced funding of $3.43 million for Westland District Council, and the share of $7.62 million for the West Coast region in tranche 1 and whilst it is enticing, there are a number of obligations that Council has to follow to secure the money”, says Chief Executive, Simon Bastion.

“A full business case will be brought to the Council table at the August Council meeting, which will weigh up the merits and benefits of the water reform process and the requirements that Council will have to meet. In parallel with the water reforms proposed by the Government, the West Coast Councils have been working on a West Coast model for water services delivery and have started work with Canterbury Councils to look at wider regional reform. Council intends to make the best decision for ratepayers and the community to ensure that our drinking water continues to meet health standards and we can continue to improve 3 waters infrastructure.”

Mayor Bruce Smith adds, “This is great news for Westland ratepayers as this funding could reduce the burden of paying for the replacement of aged infrastructure. If Council decides to take the funding option, there are already number of projects already lined up and ready to go.”


 Media enquiries to:

Emma Rae, Strategy and Communications Advisor