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Early feedback on speed management proving constructive


While the responses to Council’s requests for feedback about speed management have been slow to arrive, the quality of the feedback has been very constructive.

“Early feedback has identified areas where Council can consider changing speed limits as we develop the Regional Speed Management Plan to replace the current bylaws,” says Transportation Manager Karl Jackson. “Respondents have shown support for lowering the speed limits around schools, which is something that we are required to do as early as possible, and offered practical suggestions of how to inform drivers about these limits.

We have also received quite a lot of feedback about the road out to Lake Kaniere, and around Kumara.

Our review is limited to the local roads that Council has control over, however we can continue to advocate for the community on NZTA controlled roads.”

Feedback on the speed management closes at 4pm on Friday 2 September and staff will report to Council at the November Council meeting.

Any enquires about the feedback process can be directed to Karl Jackson, Transportation Manager at 03 756 9032 or email


 Media enquiries to:

Emma Rae, Strategy and Communications Advisor