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Green light for Revell Street one-way trial

Travel on Revell Street between Weld Street and Hamilton Street intersections will be a little different from March. Council will be trialling a one-way system for six months to consider the long-term viability of this change.

“Contractors will be starting work from 1 March to remove the current road markings and remark the road, and work will be completed by Wild Foods weekend so that Council can test the effect of additional traffic in the area. The trial will be dynamic, and this means that the road markings could change over the six-months based on user and stakeholder feedback. Council will use different methods to collect feedback: we will be talking to the business owners during the trial, and we want to collect feedback from the public too,” advises Planning Manager Fiona Scadden. “Initial feedback can be sent to for collation. Feedback can be provided at this email address any time during the six-month trial.”

“If the trial proves to be successful and the Council decides to consider this a permanent solution, there will be a full Special Consultative Process carried out. This will include an advertised concept plan and an opportunity for the public to make formal submissions.”

Traffic will flow in a one-way direction from the Weld Street intersection south to the Hamilton Street intersection. Both Weld and Hamilton Streets will remain two-way traffic, as will the rest of Revell Street. The final details for the parking configuration are being confirmed, based on the width and shape of the road and will be finalised for painting early next week.


Media enquiries to:

Emma Rae, Strategy and Communications Advisor