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Illegal dumping back at Wadeson Island


Contractors and staff working on the Wadeson Island habitat project were saddened to find fly-tipping happening at the reserve again.

“Everyone involved in the project has been working hard to improve Wadeson Island,” advises Erle Bencich, Westland District Council Operations Manager. “The Conservation Volunteers team spent a good chunk of time a few months ago clearing the fly-tipping off the island and preparing it for the channelling work that is being undertaken. Seeing a bright pink couch and household rubbish in the car-park is so disappointing for them. Anyone who dumps rubbish anywhere in the district could face a fine of up to $400. It’s cheaper to take your rubbish to the transfer station than pay that fine.

We are sure that someone will recognise this distinctive piece of furniture and know something about it. Hopefully the public want the Wadeson Island project to be a success just as much as the Council, DoC, Iwi and our other partners do, and will be willing to let us know any information that they have about where this rubbish came from.

The rubbish was brought down on a silver ute that has been seen around town. Anyone with information can contact us for a confidential chat on 0800 474 834.”


Media enquiries to:

Emma Rae, Strategy and Communications Advisor