Media Release
During the October 2021 Council meeting, two new director appointments to Council Controlled Organisations were unanimously approved by Council.
“We are very pleased that Westland Holdings Ltd (WHL) found two suitable candidates to fill board roles at Destination Westland Ltd (DWL) and Westroads Ltd (WRL) who reside on the West Coast,” comments Westland Mayor, Bruce Smith. “WHL took a very considered approach to selecting the two new board members and Council believes that they will be an asset to the companies.
Robert Caldwell replaces Bryce Thomson on the WRL board as Bryce steps down at the end of November after 23 years. With his extensive experience in management and governance throughout the West Coast, Robert will bring a wealth of knowledge to the Board. Robert is currently the independent Chair, Risk and Audit at Grey District Council and Chair of Risk and Audit at Tai Poutini Polytechnic, as well as a Director at Mitton Electronet. He has previous experience as a Group Chief Executive, Trustee and Councillor at various organisations on the West Coast.
Marie-Louise Tacon replaces Chris Rea on the DWL board, as part of the succession planning agreed over the next three years. It was essential for this role to appoint someone with a sound understanding of the local environment and people. Marie-Louise brings youth, and a local and regional network to the role. This appointment also allows for governance mentorship and is an excellent development opportunity. She is currently Rural Manager for ASB West Coast and a member of the Committee of Management, Mawhera Corporation. Previously she has been the Branch Manager for ASB West Coast and a member of the St Mary’s Primary School Board of Trustees.”
Media enquiries to:
Emma Rae, Strategy and Communications Advisor