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Opposition to the Water Services Legislation Bill


Westland District Council has made a final submission on the Water Services Legislation Bill (the Bill) to the Finance and Expenditure Select Committee.

“Our submission asks that the Select Committee pause the Bill pending the outcome of the 2023 General Election in October as our main recommendation,” advises Westland District Mayor Helen Lash. “If they do not agree with this submission, which is made in support of Communities 4 Local Democracy, we have another 37 recommendations for them to consider. These cover many areas of the Bill but we have particular concerns about how the Bill deals with funding and financing, Council CCO’s and long term planning in the interim period. As it is currently drafted, the Bill would have serious impacts on the operations of our CCOs Westroads Ltd and Westland Holdings Ltd.

We have been told that the whole purpose of the three waters reform is to benefit communities, save them money and to improve public health measures. The consequences of the Bill as it stands are likely to cost communities money. Councils are already working with the improved public health measures and know our infrastructure and communities best.

I would like to believe that the Government really does have communities best interests at heart, and the Select Committee will review the submissions they receive with open-minds and reconsider if the proposed manner of reform is the best way forward.

We have asked to speak to the Select Committee on behalf of our ratepayers when they hear submissions.”

The submission is available on Westland District Council’s website here:


Media enquiries to:

Emma Rae, Strategy and Communications Advisor