Following two workshops, Council has agreed on the projects to submit to the Department of Internal Affairs for ‘Better off funding’ under the government’s Three Waters Reform. $2.79 million is available to Westland District Council in Tranche 1 of the funding round. Councils had until the 30 September but we have gained an extension until 31 October 2022 to submit our applications.
The Better off Package is an investment by the Crown into the future for local government and community wellbeing in recognition of the significance to the local government sector (and the communities they serve)
of the transfer of responsibility for water service delivery. Councils must use the funding to transition to their new role post-reform through meeting some or all of the following criteria:
- Supporting communities to transition to a sustainable and low-emissions economy, including by building resilience to climate change and natural hazards.
- Delivery of infrastructure and/or services that enable housing development and growth, with a focus on brownfield and infill development opportunities where those are available.
- Delivery of infrastructure and/or services that support local place-making and improvements in community wellbeing.
Chief Executive Simon Bastion says, “It took a great deal of thought and debate to whittle the projects down as there are many areas that could benefit from the funding. We were really pleased with the number of applications for the contestable funding that Council wants to put toward community projects. Resilience and self-sufficiency in a natural disaster is clearly very important to communities around Westland, as the greatest number of funding requests were for projects that support this.
We look forward to a positive outcome for the application. Our new Council will have the challenge of looking ahead to considering Tranche 2 funding in 2024 and what projects will meet the criteria.”
Council intends to submit an application for:
- $500,000 for culture and heritage projects, including work on Hokitika Regent Theatre, work at Westland Industrial Heritage Park, interpretation panels for Westland culture and heritage sites, an engineering inspection report on the Hokitika Clocktower, funding for Westland 2023 anniversary projects.
- $900,000 for to continue the community hall improvement projects begun with the Covid-19 recovery funding.
- $200,000 for community readiness natural disaster resilience.
- $690,000 for township improvements
- $500,000 to fund community projects:
- Upgrade of Lazar Park Hall
- Civil Defence planning and infrastructure for Lake Kaniere, Kumara, Whataroa, Ross, Hari Hari and Otira.
- Indoor arena surface and electrical materials for West Coast Riding for the Disabled.
- Memorial Arboretum at Fox Glacier Community Hall
- Gentle Annie track extension.
Media enquiries to:
Emma Rae, Strategy and Communications Advisor