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Report from the Review into Local Government welcomed


Westland District Council welcomes the release of the final report from the Future for Local Government review panel. The independent panel has released its final report, with 17 key recommendations including new funding and financing tools, changes to the Local Government Act to explicitly recognise local government as a Treaty partner, different structures, and tools to rebuild trust and confidence in local democracy. A common-sense approach to funding, system sustainability and other challenges facing councils gives central and local government a pathway to move forward and generate real change in the sector.

“Communities need a strong, effective and locally focused leadership,” says Westland District Mayor Helen Lash. “The report supports and advocates for the community. If central government takes on this report and follows through with the recommendations, I foresee only great things for not only our local community but New Zealand as a whole. My hope is that the report does not get lost during the election process or is politicized by the government.

We particularly welcome the proposals for changes to funding. Alternative funding mechanisms would provide relief to communities, help councils and allow us to do even better work than we can currently afford. The focus on localism, ensuring that the voice of communities is paramount can only strengthen our democracy.

Strengthening and codifying relationships between local government and iwi, and improving understanding of how councils apply the Treaty of Waitangi, will be very important.

The panel has listened to the feedback they have received from local government over the last two years and the report reflects this. They have made a strong statement that any changes that are made must come with a commitment to do things differently and create a system that is more responsive to local needs.

On the West Coast conversations have already occurred about how local government can best be delivered to our communities – the panel has now offered alternative options. In the long-term we hope to be able to give the community the opportunity to continue these discussions and identify the best way for local government to serve the West Coast.”



Media enquiries to:

Emma Rae, Strategy and Communications Advisor