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Residents’ perceptions aids Council service planning


Results of the Westland District Council’s Residents’ Satisfaction Survey were presented at today’s Council meeting. Overall resident satisfaction with services was lower than the previous survey in 2020, however it is slightly higher than the New Zealand average (outside of Auckland).

“It’s always very interesting to receive the results of these surveys and find out what the public perception of Council is at that point in time. The environment in which this survey was conducted was a particularly challenging one for Councils,” notes Chief Executive Simon Bastion. “Much of the dissatisfaction from respondents was around Council’s response to Covid-19, including requiring vaccine passes, which is disappointing but not unexpected.”

“It’s very pleasing to see that despite the difficulties of the last couple of years, over 50% of the community believes that overall we provide quality services. In particular at the Westland District Library and the community halls. I am also happy to see that the community believes that the performance of the Mayor and Councillors has improved as we had some first-time Councillors in this triennium and this can give them confidence that their work is valued.”

“Comments that respondents have made about our services informs where we need to make improvements and investments to meet the needs of the community. Not all the changes that Council makes in response to the feedback can happen immediately but a good solid understanding of community perception can help us plan better.”


Media enquiries to:

Emma Rae, Strategy and Communications Advisor