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Response to Scenic Circle Closures

We have received the news today that Scenic Hotel group will be closing hotels in Fox Glacier and Franz Josef due to decimated international tourism market.

There is a significant oversupply of accommodation and tourism product in the region. Scenic have made a decision that will hopefully be for the betterment of the region.

This will allow smaller operators who do not have the strength of a National Group to take up what tourism dollars are left. 

Scenic is committed to Glacier Country and their general manager Brendon Taylor has expressed a commitment to the Group continuing to promote the region where they can through redirecting online searches directly to other operators. This is a life line that will help the remaining accommodation providers.

I want to express my personal thanks to Scenic Hotel Group for taking what is a strategic move to reduce bed numbers thereby assisting every other accommodation provider in the Fox and Franz area.

Scenic Hotel Group is a large and successful hotel group that has invested on the coast since the 80s. Council has been saying since March of 2020 that there were 80% too many beds and 80% too many cafes in the Franz Fox area. This move will bring considerable benefits to those remaining.

This move follows the move made in recent times by ZIP who haven taken out one set of motels for accommodation for their predator free South Westland Project.

This is wonderful gesture from Scenic Hotel Group which will help every business and ensure Scenic Circle Group will be in a position to reopen when the markets change, our thoughts are with those staff that may be impacted by the closures.

Bruce Smith

Westland District Mayor

