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Supporting the recovery in the North Island


Watching the devastation caused by Cyclone Gabrielle hit close to home for many staff at Westland District Council with local severe weather events a not-too-distant memory. When NEMA asked for regional help Westland District Council staff were prepared to give their time and expertise.

“I am very proud of our staff and their families’ commitment to community service and emergency management,” says Chief Executive Simon Bastion. “Some members of our staff went up North on Thursday morning: Te Aroha Cook, Group Manager Regulatory and Community Services, to Hawke’s Bay as Deputy Group Controller, Sarah Brown, Community Development Advisor, and Angus Robb RMA Compliance Officer went to Auckland as Welfare Manager and Intelligence Officer respectively, and Te Aroha’s husband Don Scott has also volunteered his time and is joining Te Aroha at the Hawke’s Bay Emergency Control Centre as Intelligence Manager. Erle Bencich, Operations Manager had already been deployed to Auckland.

As part of the Emergency Management network, Westland has received assistance from other councils and volunteers from around the country when we were in need. It’s brilliant to return the favour and help people in the areas that will need so much support to recover from the effects of the cyclone.”

Donations to assist cyclone victims can be made to Mayoral Relief Funds in areas where a local state of emergency was declared: Northland, Auckland, Tairāwhiti (Gisborne), Bay of Plenty, Waikato and Hawke’s Bay. Alternatively, you can donate at the Red Cross, and Federated Farmers are accepting bank donations to assist farmers recovery from the event.

Photo Westland District Council:

Sarah Brown, Te Aroha Cook, Don Scott, Angus Robb


Media enquiries to:

Emma Rae, Strategy and Communications Advisor