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Westland District Plan rules on signage

When erecting signage, there are rules in the Westland District Plan that you need to understand.

One of the most important rules to follow is that signs must relate to an activity or facility in the Westland District and be erected where that activity is or at the facility. There are also rules about the size and number of characters and words.

The rules are in place to ensure that signage throughout the district is appropriate.  Signage that could be considered distracting to drivers is also a safety hazard that Council is required to manage.

Want more information?

The rules can be found here here.

A duty planner is available daily. You can contact them at or 03 756 9010.

Signs in Franz Josef

The council will be reviewing the compliance of signage in the Franz Josef area soon. We will be working with the owners of signs to educate them on the District Plan rules for signage.