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Property, rates and consents

Publicly Notified Resource Consents

Below are current publicly notified resource consents. 

Because of their possible environmental effects, many activities need a resource consent from the Council.

You have the right to inspect the following consent application at any Council service centre during normal office hours and to make a submission supporting or opposing it.

Submissions have now closed and a further information request has been made regarding potential ecological effects. This website will be updated when further information is received and a hearing date is set.

West Coast Regional Council have lodged consent applications with the West Coast Regional Council and the Westland District Council to extend the Hokitika Seawall between Stafford Street and Richards Drive on the Hokitika beachfront. The application is for coastal permits and land use consents because the seawall is partially within the Coastal Marine Area. The proposal involves the replacement of temporary rock protection and the extension of the existing seawall for a further 1,100m primarly on Legal Road reserve fronting the beach.

Mananui Mineral Sand Mining