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Key Projects.

Hokitika Wastewater Treatment Plant

Council is working on options for providing future wastewater treatment for Hokitika

Resource consent for the current Hokitika Wastewater Treatment Plant discharge will expire in April 2026. A project is underway to identify the best way to manage Hokitika’s wastewater into the future. The project is being overseen by the Hokitika Wastewater Treatment Plant Project Oversight Subcommittee.

Council is committed to developing a fit-for-purpose resilient wastewater treatment solution that is sensitive to cultural and environmental concerns and meets the needs of the community.

The project will identify possible options for receiving, transporting, treating and discharging Hokitika’s wastewater, assess the options against project criteria, identify a preferred wastewater scheme option, and then take that forward through the consenting, construction and commissioning processes.

Public information and feedback sessions November 2023

The project team will be running two public information and feedback sessions at the Hokitika RSA on Saturday 4 November, from 10am to 2pm and on Wednesday 8 November from 4pm to 8pm. The drop-in sessions are an opportunity to chat with the project team to find out about the shortlisted options, where we are up to in the process, and to provide us with any feedback.

See here for more information about the sessions.


In 2020 Council received $6.9m from the Three Waters Stimulus Funding Delivery Plan and earmarked a portion of the funding towards assessing alternatives.



Resource Consent to discharge treated wastewater from the sewage oxidation ponds to the Coastal Marine Area via an ocean outfall pipeline was granted to the Council. The consent expires in April 2026.

The West Coast Regional Council has indicated the existing discharge will not meet current receiving environment standards.  Simply seeking a new resource consent for the current discharge is not considered to be tenable.


Westland Milk Products (WMP) offered Council the opportunity to join in with their then proposed ocean outfall project.

Council consulted with the community through the Annual Plan 2019/2020 with two options presented:

  • Option 1 - Partner with WMP on the Ocean Outfall project.
  • Option 2 - Wait until the Resource Consent is due to expire.

 Following community feedback, Council agreed to the ocean outfall option.


Following projected cost increases Council reviewed alternative treated wastewater discharges.

Council consulted with the community again through the Annual Plan 2020/2021 with two options presented:

  • Option 1 - Increased cost of WMP project.
  • Option 2 - Investigate alternative options.

Members of the community including our iwi partners asked that Council consider alternatives including land-based options.

The community’s preference for Option 2: Investigate alternative options, was adopted following the Draft Annual Plan 2020/2021 hearing process. Council began a process of securing funding for a feasibility study and setting up a governance structure for the investigation of alternatives.


Council received $6.9m from the Three Waters Stimulus Funding Delivery Plan and earmarked a portion of the funding towards the feasibility study. Consultants, Stantec, were appointed to prepare a cost proposal and lead a stakeholder engagement process.


Council committed to working in partnership with Poutini Ngāi Tahu in the decision-making process, to develop a solution that is cognisant of both Māori cultural and environmental matters while meeting the needs of the community. An envisaged pathway/journey for the Hokitika Wastewater Upgrade Project was presented to Iwi at a hui at Arahura Marae, and the way forward was agreed. This included forming a Council Oversight Subcommittee with equal representation of Poutini Ngāi Tahu and Council.


The Hokitika Wastewater Treatment Plant Project Oversight Subcommittee (the Subcommittee) was formed. The Subcommittee has four Iwi representatives and four Council representatives. This partnership reflects Council’s commitment to the Manatu Whakaaetanga Partnership agreement and recognises Mana Whenua as Council’s statutory partner.

Subcommittee - first meeting.
Agreed to:

  • Project process, and partner/stakeholder involvement.
  • Project Outcome Statement:

Improving health, environmental and cultural outcomes. By delivering a fit for purpose resilient wastewater treatment system for Hokitika.


Project Working Group (Iwi reps, Council staff, Stantec staff) – Workshop 1. Defined:

  • The Problems that need to be addressed.
    • The Benefits of investing in the upgrade of the Hokitika Wastewater Scheme.

Subcommittee - second meeting.
Agreed to:

  • Project Investment Objectives.
  • Aims and attendees for a Technical Elements workshop.
  • Aims and attendees for an Options Development workshop.

Project Working Group plus representatives from WCRC – Workshop 2. Defined:

  • Technical elements of the project, including scope, risks, constraints and dependencies.

Project Working Group plus representatives from WCRC and DOC – Workshops 3 and 4 (Continued in March 2022).
Key aspects:

  • Received the Strategic Business Case Report which captured the content and discussions of the previous workshops and meetings.
  • Identified options for the three key elements of a wastewater treatment scheme (WWTP location and potential treatment options, wastewater inputs management options, treated wastewater receiving environment options,). 

Council - meeting

  • Project update presentation to Council.

Start discussions with Silver Fern Farms on project process, activities to date, and consideration of their discharges within the options assessment process.


Project Working Group plus representatives from WCRC and DOC – Workshops 3 and 4 (Continued from November 2021).

Key aspects:

Identified options for the three key elements of a wastewater treatment scheme (WWTP location and potential treatment options, wastewater inputs management options, treated wastewater receiving environment options,).

Subcommittee - third meeting.
Agreed to:

The Options Assessment Framework.

Receive information from Westland Milk Products to assist options assessment.

Project Working GroupWorkshop 5.



Project Working Group – site visit to Greymouth’s Biological Trickling Filter (BTF) at the Greymouth WWTP.

June & July

Project Working GroupWorkshops 6 and 7.
Key aspects:

  • Reviewed ‘Long Long List’ of Scheme Options (153 Options).
  • Reduced this to a ‘Long List’ of 21 Options Scheme Options by comparative assessments.
  • Carried out ‘Traffic Light Assessment’ of the Long List of Scheme Options.

Subcommittee - fourth meeting.

Project update presented to the new Subcommittee formed following the local body elections and a new Council.


Project Working GroupWorkshop 8.
Key aspects:


Subcommittee – site visit to Greymouth’s Biological Trickling Filter (BTF) at the Greymouth WWTP.

Meeting with Silver Fern Farms (SFF): update on project progress, identify next steps of development of SFF options for incorporation into the Short List of Potential Schemes.

Subcommittee - fifth meeting.
Agreed to:

Council - meeting

Project update presentation to Council.

Next Steps

Having received endorsement of the ‘Short List’ of Potential Wastewater Schemes by the Oversight Subcommittee, we are now undertaking detailed investigation of the Short-Listed Schemes. This will include incorporating options for Silver Fern Farms’ trade waste flows. This is expected to take 12 months to include a full season of weather conditions.

We intend to engage with the wider community on the Short-Listed options in late 2023.

The information gathered will guide a multi criteria analysis of the Short-Listed Schemes to aid the decision making process, and identification of a Preferred Wastewater Scheme.

The project pathway beyond identification of the Preferred Wastewater Option is shown in the following indicative timeline.

Agendas, minutes and media releases

Livestream recordings of previous meetings can be viewed on our Youtube channel.

Extraordinary Council meeting: adopt the Draft Annual Plan 2020/2021

Minutes ,

4 May 2020

Extraordinary Council meeting: hear submissions to the Draft Annual Plan 2020/2021, 


16 June 2020

Extraordinary Council meeting: adopt the Annual Plan 2020/2021


30 June 2020

Council Meeting Agenda


22 October 2020

Council Meeting Agenda


26 November 2020

Council Meeting Agenda


10 December 2020