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Community grants

Mayors Taskforce for Jobs

Mayors Taskforce for Jobs Westland

The Mayors Taskforce for Jobs has partnered with the Ministry of Social Development and developed the 'Community Recovery Programme' which provides up to $500,000 to 23 rural councils (population of 20,000 or less) with a national aim to get 1,150 young people or Covid displaced engaged in a sustainable employment pathway. The focus is rural, as young people in rural New Zealand often face exacerbated challenges when entering into the labour force, these challenges include a lack of access to skill development pathways, driver licencing and testing facilities and a lack of access to employers. The partnership is targeted towards supporting young people not in education, employment or training (NEET).


  • New Zealand citizenship/residency
  • NEETs seeking employment and associated training opportunities
  • Individuals returning to work following disability
  • SME creating new employment opportunities for local people (casual, seasonal, part-time and full time)
  • SME seeking employees for hard to fill positions
  • Employers and apprentices seeking additional funding for apprenticeship trades related costs



p: 0800 474834

Apply for MTFJ Support

If you are interested in registering for the Mayors Taskforce for Jobs Community Recovery fund please do so by following the appropriate link:

For all other enquiries regarding the MTFJ Community Recovery, please email

Mayors Taskforce for Jobs Team

Westland Mayor

Mayor Helen Lash

​​To learn more about the MTFJ, visit the Mayors Taskforce for Jobs website