The Mayors Taskforce for Jobs has partnered with the Ministry of Social Development and developed the 'Community Recovery Programme' which provides up to $500,000 to 23 rural councils (population of 20,000 or less) with a national aim to get 1,150 young people or Covid displaced engaged in a sustainable employment pathway. The focus is rural, as young people in rural New Zealand often face exacerbated challenges when entering into the labour force, these challenges include a lack of access to skill development pathways, driver licencing and testing facilities and a lack of access to employers. The partnership is targeted towards supporting young people not in education, employment or training (NEET).
- New Zealand citizenship/residency
- NEETs seeking employment and associated training opportunities
- Individuals returning to work following disability
- SME creating new employment opportunities for local people (casual, seasonal, part-time and full time)
- SME seeking employees for hard to fill positions
- Employers and apprentices seeking additional funding for apprenticeship trades related costs
p: 0800 474834