See the table below for a current status of our water restrictions for the Westland District.
Alert Level | Alert Description | Locations |
Conservation: Residents are advised that the water supply is expected to come under duress. Please reduce non-essential water usage and be aware that this alert level may increase. |
Nil | |
Water on alternate days The water supply is under considerable pressure and large water savings are necessary. Hoses, sprinklers and garden irrigation systems can only be used on alternate days (even street numbers on even days; odd street numbers on odd days). |
Nil | |
Sprinkler Ban The water supply is under extreme pressure. Hand held hoses should only be used on alternate days (even street numbers on even days; odd street numbers on odd days). Sprinklers, garden irrigation systems, water blasting and other non-essential water use is banned. |
Nil | |
Total Watering Ban The water supply level is critical. All use of water outside the house is banned (except for emergency purposes e.g. firefighting). Take all practical steps to reduce water usage immediately. |
Nil |
Why might I need to conserve water?
With high rainfall on the West Coast, you may think why do I even need to save water? Unfortunately, it doesn’t always rain in the right place at the right time! Over the last few summers we have faced drought conditions more frequently due to drier, hotter weather. Higher water demands have also places stress on the water treatment processes required by legislation.
Keep an emergency water supply of drinking water
There are times when water supply may be interrupted for one reason or another, so we recommend that households store nine litres of water per person. This will enable households to survive for three days without township supplied water should this be necessary (for example, in the event of a Civil Defence emergency).
Household water saving tips
Did you know water use in the bathroom makes up about 20 to 30% of household water use? Here are some easy ways to cut down.
A washing machine can use more than 120 litres of water per load! Cutting down your use is simple.
Dishwashers don’t use as much water as you might think, but leaving a high-pressure kitchen tap running can use up to 12 litres per minute.
Around 25% of household water use is done in the garden – reduce use and maximise results with these handy tips!
Hand watering
Sprinklers & irrigation:
Water Supply Bylaw 2016
Westland District Council’s Water Supply Bylaw 2016 outlines the permissible usages of the town water supplies and activities that are not allowed.
We would like to remind members of the public that: