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Your Council

Vision and Community Outcomes

On 26 October 2023, the Council adopted the new draft Strategic Framework for the purpose of informing the development of the 2024–2034 Long Term Plan.

The framework was adopted by Council as part of the Enhanced Annual Plan 2024/2025 on 26 June 2024 and will be included in the Long Term Plan 2025-2034.

The vision statement was amended on 23 November to recognise the significant role of Mana Whenua in the district.


By investing in our people, caring for the environment, respecting the Mana Whenua cultural heritage, and enabling investment, growth, and development we will enrich our district and the people that reside here.

Our aspirations, values and role

  • Active leadership

Council works with integrity and honesty building the respect and confidence of the community.

  • Togetherness

Building strong relationships and partnerships with stakeholders, encouraging citizens to play an active role within their communities for success.

  • Future proofing

Safeguarding our unique natural environment and cultural heritage to support communities’ resilience in the face of social, economic, and environmental challenges.

Community Outcomes

Community outcomes describe our aspirations for the Westland District. The outcomes take a whole-of-community view, we can't achieve them by ourselves. It will require collaborating with our communities as well as government and non-government organisations.

The Local Government Act (LGA) sets out the purpose of local government which is to enable local democratic decision-making and action and to promote the social, economic, environmental and cultural wellbeing of communities in the present and for the future.

The LGA also requires us to set community outcomes, identifying what we want to achieve for the community.

These are our community outcomes that we will use to guide development of our next Long Term Plan covering 2025 - 2034. The framework was adopted by Council as part of the Enhanced Annual Plan 2024/2025 on 26 June 2024. They provide a clear link to the four aspects of wellbeing set out in the LGA. There are further details below on each of the outcomes.


Reduce the human impact on the environment, while enhancing and protecting the unique natural environment of the Westland District.

This community outcome seeks to improve environmental outcomes and support the community to embrace a culture of sustainability.

Focus areas

  • Support sustainable waste management practises.
    • We will develop, lead, and promote sustainable waste management practises.
  • Care for the environment
    • We will plan proactively for climate change, promoting and supporting low-carbon, low-energy practises.
  • Encourage biodiversity.
    • We will support strategies, plans and policies to enhance and protect and celebrate the district’s flora, fauna, and ecosystems.


Enable a prosperous economy that supports and celebrates local businesses success, encouraging both traditional and innovative businesses so that our community thrives.

This community outcome seeks to support a thriving community and economy for the security of future generations.

Focus areas

  • Collaboration
    • We will collaborate with other stakeholders to achieve common outcomes and realise external funding opportunities.
  • Sustainable growth
    • We will ensure that development is sustainable, meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
  • Innovation
    • We will support innovation and new opportunities for diversity within and from traditional Westland industries.


Enabling a rich cultural life for our citizens where people feel welcomed and have civic engagement.

This community outcome seeks to ensure that all voices are enabled and heard, power is more evenly distributed, and the community can share its strengths.

Focus areas

  • Enabling community
    • We will support initiatives that involve caring for community members at all life stages to reduce isolation and promote inclusion.
  • Partnership
    • We will ensure that engagement with iwi promotes partnership, participation, and protection.
  • Open to innovation
    • We will support the community to enable community ownership of new initiatives and opportunities.
  • Community pride and participation
    • We will actively encourage the community to take part in opportunities for democratic participation and education, and grow community pride through sharing and documenting of local history.


Westland is a place where communities are safe and healthy; a unique and enjoyable place to live with affordable, accessible social and cultural facilities.

This community outcome seeks to ensure that we provide the infrastructure and opportunities that support our communities and enhance people’s health and wellbeing.

Focus areas

  • Healthy and safe
    • We will support community projects that enhance community safety, health and wellbeing for all.
  • Active lifestyles
    • We will support opportunities for walking and cycling, connecting our communities safely.
  • Community spaces
    • We will develop and maintain community spaces that encourage active participation, reduce social isolation, and enhance wellbeing.


Investing in the future with careful, considered planning of projects which support the growth, development and wellbeing of our communities and environment.

This community outcome seeks to ensure that communities are less vulnerable to natural hazards and climate change and critical transitions are considered for longevity.

Focus areas

  • Responsive planning
    • We will ensure that we will plan our infrastructure to reduce communities’ vulnerability to natural hazards and climate change.
  • Forward focus
    • Our investment in infrastructure will meet the future needs of the community in an affordable manner.
  • Data driven decision making
    • Our decisions will use good quality data and good practice to enable high quality decision making.
  • Communities first
    • We will engage with our communities to develop infrastructure solutions that meet the communities needs now and into the future.