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Plans, policies and bylaws

District plan

The District Plan provides a regulatory process for implementing policies prepared under Council’s LTCCP and Activity Management Plans and under the Resource Management Act.

The Council's intent of the District Plan is to provide for a vibrant District that provides for its natural and cultural environment and appropriately utilises Council infrastructure.

The first part of the District Plan sets out the key objectives of the Plan and the policies to achieve those objectives. The District is then divided into “Policy Units” or zones, which outline specific performance standards in set communities within Westland. There are also rules that apply across all zones listed in Part 6 and 8.

Subdivision similarly has its own section.  The Plan usually states what is a “permitted activity”, which is what can be undertaken without a consent. If an activity is not permitted then the District Plan outlines what status that activity will have and what matters the proposal will be assessed against.

In September 2018 Local Government Commission announced its decision to require Westland, Grey and Buller District Councils to combine their District Plans into one document. The combined plan has been named Te Tai o Poutini Plan.

The Proposed Te Tai Poutini Plan, a combined plan that covers the whole of the West Coast was notified in 2022 giving some rules immediate legal effect. You can view the plan and find out more information here. Hard copies of the plan are available to view at our customer service centre at 36 Weld Street, Hokitika.

The 2002 District Plan will remain operative until the process for implementing the Proposed TTPP has been completed.  

If you have questions about the Proposed or Operative Plan, please contact the Planning Department on 0800 474 834.