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Plans, policies and bylaws

Fees and charges

Fees and charges for each activity from 1 July 2024 - 30 June 2025 are listed below. 


A full list of fees and charges for 2024/2025 can be downloaded here (updated 25 July 2024).

Information about fees and charges for 2023/2024 is included in Council’s Annual Plan 2024/2025.

Dog control

Standard Registration

Certified Disability Assistance Dog


Registration Fee: Hokitika and Kaniere township (urban)


Registration Fee: Other Areas


20% discount for Gold Card holders. Gold Card must be presented at the time of payment.

Responsible Owners

Inspection fee (first year)


Registration Fee: all areas


Dangerous dogs

Registration Fee: all areas

Standard registration fee plus 50%

Late Registration

Registration Penalty –from 1 August

50% of applicable registration fee

Dog Impounding Fees

First Impounding Offence


Second Impounding Offence


Third Impounding Offence


Second & third impounding will apply if occurring within 12 months of the first impounding date.

Feeding per day


Call-out for Dog Reclaiming (after hours)


Microchipping per dog




Investigation Fee

$150 per hour

Impounding Act


Stock Control Callout Fees

$225 per callout

Stock poundage and sustenance Fees

Cattle, horse, deer, mule: $30/head/day

Sheep, goats, pigs, other animals: $10/head/day

Annual Site Fee


The cost of your building consent depends on the type of application, costs of the work involved, levies, how long it takes to process and how many inspections you will need.

An estimated number of inspections will be charged for at the outset, with additional inspections charged for at the end of the project. Refunds may be available for any unused inspections, which is calculated at the end of the job. 

All building work over a certain value attract MBIE and BRANZ levies and an insurance charge– see end of building consent fees and charges for this.

You, as the owner, are responsible for paying the fees.  If you withdraw an application at any stage you are still required to pay charges incurred for the consent.

Housing / Residential Units – Single and Multi-Unit

Deposit – per application


Project Information Memorandum (with BC application)


plus processing fees

Compliance Check  - RMA / Planning


plus processing time if over 30 minutes

Consent fee

Category Res 1 & 2 $576 

Res 3 $750

Multi units x 2 $1,153

Multi-units x 3 $1,717

plus processing fees

Alpha One / Objective Build online processing charge


or 0.065% for total value of work over $125,000

BCA Accreditation Levy


Inspection Fees

$230 each

Code Compliance Certificate 

Category Res 1 & 2 $576 

Res 3 $750

Multi units x 2 $1,153

Multi-units x 3 $1,717

plus processing fees


Deposit – per application


Project Information Memorandum


plus processing fees

Compliance Check – RMA / Planning


plus processing time if over 30 minutes

Consent fee

Category Com 1 & 2 $752

Com 3 $916

plus processing fees

Alpha One / Objective Build online processing charge


or 0.065% for total value of work over $125,000

BCA Accreditation Levy


Inspection Fee

$230 each

Code Compliance Certificate –.

Category Com 1 & 2 $752

Com 3 $916


Accessory Buildings – garages, shed, sleepouts, temporary buildings, pool, signs and demolition outside of Schedule 1 etc

Project Information Memorandum


plus processing fees

Compliance Check – RMA


plus processing time if over 30 minutes

Consent & processing


plus processing fees

Alpha One / Objective Build online processing charge


or 0.065% for total value of work over $125,000

BCA Accreditation Levy


Inspection Fee

$230 each

Code Compliance Certificate


plus processing fees

Minor Alterations/Renovations (<$150,000)

Project Information Memorandum


plus processing fees

Compliance Check - RMA


plus processing time if over 30 minutes

Consent fee


plus processing fees

Alpha One / Objective Build online processing charge


or 0.065% for total value of work over $125,000

BCA Accreditation Levy


Inspection Fee

$230 each

Code Compliance Certificate



plus processing fees

Major Alterations/Renovations (>$150,000 and over)

Deposit - required


Project Information Memorandum


plus processing fees

Compliance Check - RMA


plus processing time if over 30 minutes

Consent fee

Category Res 1 & 2  $576 

Res 3 $750

Category Com 1 & 2 $752

Com 3 $916

plus processing fees

Alpha One / Objective Build online processing charge


or 0.065% for total value of work over $125,000

BCA Accreditation Levy


Inspection Fee

$230 each

Code Compliance Certificate

Category Res 1 & 2 $576

Res 3 $750

Category Com 1 & 2 $752

Com 3 $916

plus processing fees

Free-standing Spaceheater

Set fee, including one inspection


Additional Inspection Fees 

$230 each

Additional Processing

$200 per hour processing ($150 per hour for administrative staff)

Plumbing & Drainage

Project Information Memoranda

$200 per hour processing ($150 per hour for administrative staff)

Compliance Check


plus processing time if over 30 minutes

Consent fee


plus processing fees

Alpha One / Objective Build online processing charge


or 0.065% for total value of work over $125,000

BCA Accreditation Levy


Inspection Fee

$230 each

Code Compliance Certificate


plus processing fees

Application for Public Information Memorandum (PIM) only


BCA Accreditation Levy


PIM Fees - Residential


plus processing fees

PIM Fee - Commercial/Industrial


plus processing fees

Alpha One / Objective Build online processing charge


Compliance Check


plus processing time if over 30 minutes

++Where any building charge is inadequate to enable the recovery of the actual and reasonable costs, a further charge may be payable.

Marquees Only


Consent fee


plus processing fees

Alpha One / Objective Build online processing charge


or 0.065% for total value of work over $125,000

BCA Accreditation Levy


Inspection Fee

$230 each

Code Compliance Certificate


plus processing fees

Receiving and Checking Building Warrant of Fitness (BWOF)

BWOF - On or before due date

$60 backflow preventor only

$206 (2 – 6 specified systems)

$400 (7 or more specified systems)

After due date

Fee plus 50% penalty fee

Compliance Schedules


New Compliance Schedules

$455 plus processing fees

Compliance Schedule Audit

$220 plus processing fees

Duplicate/copy Compliance Schedules

Amendment to compliance schedule


$225 plus processing fees

Certificate of Acceptance


Certificate of Acceptance – Emergency works

A fee of $578  plus any fees, charges and levies that would have been payable had a building consent been applied for

plus processing fees

Certificate of Acceptance – all other works application fee

$1,800 flat fee

plus any fees, charges and levies that would have been payable had a building consent been applied for.

plus processing fees

Other Building Charges

Notices to Fix

$546 plus processing fees allows 1 investigation inspection.  Additional inspections will be charged accordingly.

Residential Swimming Pool compliance inspection

First inspection $230

Re-inspection $230

Certificate of Public Use [CPU] (valid for 12 months

from issue)

$546 plus processing time

Additional CPU


Plus processing fees

On-site - Variation to building consent


plus processing fees

Building consent amendment


plus processing fees

plus online processing charge and accreditation levy

Building consent amendment accreditation levy

as specified in each section

Partial accreditation charge for amendments


Extension of time for exercise of building consent


Signing of Certificates for Lodgement (s 72 & s75)

$106 plus processing time

Deposit to lodge s 72/75 certificate

$650 (actual costs to be charged) includes lawyers costs, lodgement and council costs.

Removal of s 73 or 75 certificate

$350 plus processing time

Section 124 notice – dangerous/insanitary buildings (except in the event of a natural disaster)

$350 plus processing time

Extension of time for obtaining CCC


Preparation of Sec 37 Certificate


Fee to relook at a CCC once it is refused


Processing fees per hour

$200 per hour processing ($150 per hour for administrative staff)

Meetings charge out rate – staff

$200 per hour – chargeable after first 30 minutes

Specialist / consultancy specific design input

At cost plus 10%

Insurance Levy

Residential, and accessory buildings:

assessed value of work over $20,000












Exemptions under Schedule 1(2)

$374 plus levies &

$91 online processing charge

fees apply whether the decision is to approve or decline the application

Investigation/Additional / Site Inspections

$230 each

Cancellation of inspection – on the day of

$230 each

Certificate of compliance (district licencing agency) – building code assessment for fire safety and sanitary facilities in a building, done with a alcohol licence application

$106 plus processing fees

Building Infringement

Relevant set fee plus $153 administration charge

Application for extension of time – Heritage Earthquake prone building

$350 plus processing fees

Receiving and reviewing of engineer/ information relating to status of an earthquake prone building

$450 plus processing fees

Issue of Earthquake prone building notice (S133AL)

$250 plus processing fees

Building Research Levy

In addition to the Building Consent Fee, a Building Research Levy based upon $1.00 per $1,000 or part thereof of total value is required to be paid.

Consents of lesser value than $20,000 are exempt from this levy.

Building MBIE Levy

In addition to the Building Consent, a Building Industry Levy based upon $1.75 per $1,000 or part thereof of total value is required to be paid.

Consents of lesser value than $65,000 are exempt from this levy.

Independent Building Consent Authority (BCA)

Where the services of a Building Certifier are used, the fee will be established on a case by case basis to ensure full cost recovery.

Election Signs – if not exempt work under Schedule 1 of the Building Act 2004

Up to 3 signs


Up to 6 signs


For each additional sign in excess of 6. signs



Monthly building consent reports



New grave (includes plot, interment and maintenance in perpetuity)


Ashes: plot purchase and interment (includes plot in Ashes Garden area and opening of plot)


Pre-purchase new Plot (interment added at the time)


Dig Grave site to extra depth


Additional cost to excavate grave on Saturday, Sunday or Public Holiday


Reopen a grave site


Inter Ashes in an existing grave


New grave in RSA area


Reopen a grave in the RSA Area


Inter a child under 12 in Lawn Area


Inter a child in children’s section (Hokitika only)


Research of cemetery records for family trees per hour (one hour minimum charge)


Muslim burials

At cost

Ross and Kumara

New grave (includes plot, interment and maintenance in perpetuity)


Pre-purchase new plot (interment added at the time)


Inter Ashes (including registration)

Note: Ashes berms are not currently available in Kumara or Ross but are under development.)


Reopen a grave site


Research of cemetery records for family trees per hour (one hour minimum charge)



Customer enquiries

First 30 minutes of staff costs are free, after that pro-rata $58/hour

Black & White Photocopying

Single Sided - A4


Single Sided - A3


Double Sided - A4


Double Sided - A3


Single Sided - A2


Single Sided - A1


Single Sided - A0


Colour Photocopying

Single Sided - A4


Single Sided - A3


Double Sided - A4


Double Sided - A3



A4 - Per Page


A3 - Per Page



Small - less than 100 pages


Large - more than 100 pages


Scanning and scanning to email

Large scale format scanning

$5 per scan

Document scanning via photocopy machine

$0.10 per page

Requests under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act (LGOIMA)

First hour of staff costs


First 20 black and white copies


Additional time

$40 per ½ hour

Black and white copies in excess of 20 pages


Other costs – recovery

Actual cost

Other charges as per fees and charges schedule

Meeting room hire


Pakiwaitara building meeting room

$300 general public

$150 community groups

Financial Services

Rates settlement refund processing fee


District Assets

Water Supply Connections

Actual cost recovery relating to the installation of water supply connections.

Sewerage & Stormwater Connections

Actual cost recovery relating to the installation of sewerage and stormwater connections.

Vehicle Crossings

Actual cost recovery relating to the installation of vehicle crossings.

Sewerage Supply

Trade Waste charges are levied separately according to waste volume and utilisation of sewerage system.

Minimum fee of $2500 per annum

Dumping into sewerage system, annually


Water Supply Annual Charges

Hokitika / Kaniere Water Supply

Commercial metered supply per cubic metre $2.90

The minimum charge for commercial or significant user metered water connections is the same as the commercial water rate.


Council reserves the right to negotiate metered charges with significant users

Treated Supplies—Rural Towns Fox Glacier / Franz Josef / Whataroa / Hari Hari

Commercial metered supply per cubic metre $2.90

Road Damage – New Build


Road damage deposit – refundable deposit


Road Damage (unconsented works) enforcement

At cost (staff time)

Remedial action for unconsented road works

Full cost of remedial work required plus staff time


Temporary Road Closures

Non-refundable application fee


Additional Information request (from applicant)

$107 per hour

Public Notification on approval

At cost

Management of temporary road closure

At cost

Call Out / Audit of Traffic Management Plan

$255 per hour

Not for Profit Organisations


Food Act 2014

Registration of Food Control Plan


Registration of National Programmes & National Programmes operating under a Food Control Plan


Renewal of Food Control Plan & National Programmes


Renewal of National Programmes operating under a Food Control Plan


Amendment to registration – amendment of Food Control Plan Registration or National Programme


Verification / Audit

(Includes up to two hours of verification activities) – including site visits and compliance checks with food plans.

$280 (Any time over and above initial two hours is charged at $180/hour)

Compliance and Monitoring fee

$180 per hour

Health Act 1956


Hairdressers Registration


Offensive Trade Registration


Mortuary Registration


Camping Ground Registration


Camping Ground - fewer than 10 sites


Transfer of Registration

50% of registration fee

Overdue Health Act Licences

50% penalty day after expiry date

Miscellaneous Charges (Fees)


Transfer of any licence registration of premises


Inspection or Advisory visit (non-routine)


Follow-up inspection or corrective action assessment (includes any licence type or audit or compliance inspection type


Water or Food Sample Testing

Actual cost

Environmental Health Officer (Hourly rate when extended time required to resolve issues)



LGA Activities

Trading in Public Places (hawkers and mobile Shops)


Full Year


1 October to 31 March only

50% penalty fee for trading outside of this period




Activities under other Legislation

Amusement Devices

For one device, for the first seven days of proposed operation or part thereof.


For each additional device operated by the same owner, for the first seven days or part thereof.


For each device, for each further period of seven days or part thereof.


Class 4 Gaming

Class 4 Gambling Venue


Licence inspection Fee


Hokitika Museum

Admission fee


Westland residents


Adult 16+ (visitors)


Youth (visitors) (1 years - 16 years)



Westland Residents - In person enquiry first half hour

Additional hours thereafter

$30 per half hour

In person enquiry first half hour – non-Westland Residents

Additional hours thereafter

First half hour $15
$35 per half hour thereafter

Written research service (per hour)

Minimum charge



Special project research

By negotiation

Filming under supervision


Reproduction/Reprint of collection items

$30 per ½ hour plus reprint costs


At cost


Laser copy on card

A5/A4: $10
A3: $15

Digital image


Flash drive for supply
of digital images

At Cost


Photocopying- Black and white A4 and A3

Refer to charges as set out in Corporate Services Charges

Reproduction fees The following charges are for reproduction of Museum items for the purposes below, and are additional to the above charges

Imagery for reproduction

$100 per item

Venue Hire

Carnegie Gallery Hire (per week


Commission on sales


Staff supervision outside normal hours

$60 per hour



Single Admission



Senior Citizen (60+)


Child at school


Pre Schooler     


Pre Schooler and Parent


Family (2 adults / 2 children)


Concession Ticket - 10 Swims 



Senior Citizen  (60+)


Child at school


Pre Schooler


Pre Schooler and Parent


Family (2 adults / 2 children)


3 month pass




Senior Citizen (60+)


Child at school


Season Ticket



Senior Citizen (60+)


Child at school


AquaFit Classes (Includes entry to swimming pool)


Single Class




Senior Citizen (60+)


Child at school


Concession Ticket – 10 Classes




Senior Citizen (60+)


Child at school


Prices exclude GST

Commercial Fishing Vessels operating from the Wharf for discharge of wet fish and / or crayfish must have a licence to occupy.

Annual Charge

Vessels over 13.7 metres (45 feet)


Vessels between 9.1 metres and 13.7 metres (30-45 feet)


Vessels up to 9.1 metres (30 feet)


Casual users landing wet fish (per tonne)


Casual users landing crayfish (per tonne)


Other Vessels (not discharging) must pay a daily charge (24 hours) as below

Vessels over 13.7 metres (45 feet)


Vessels between 9.1 metres and 13.7 metres (30-45 feet)


Vessels up to 9.1 metres (30 feet)


For information: admin2@destinationwestland or call Destination Westland Limited (03) 755 8497

Recreational Boat Ramp use

$10 per day

Car parking


Land Information Services

Land online Search—CT or Plan Instrument


Land Information

GIS Map—A4


GIS Map- A4 with aerial photos


GIS Map - A3


GIS Map - A3 with aerial photos


GIS Client Services (per hour)



Property Files

Property File

$30 per file request


Land information memoranda

LIMs are issued per valuation number. Where multiple valuation numbers are under one title, individual LIMs will be required. Where there is more than one Certificate of Title, obtaining additional titles will be charged. A LIM does not include provision of  a Certificate of Title.

Land Information Memoranda – Residential Property


Land Information Memoranda – Commercial Property


Urgent residential only - within 48 hours


Hourly rate for time exceeding standard deposit


NOTE: All fees and charges below are non-refundable, unless specified as a Fixed Fee, are deposits and minimum fees paid as initial charges on application. Staff time will be calculated at the hourly rates below. Under Section 36 of the Resource Management Act 1991, the costs of staff time and costs incurred processing the consent over the deposit will be invoiced, and where a charge is inadequate to enable the recovery of actual and reasonable costs the Council may require payment of any additional charge.

The costs incurred for the monitoring of consents and investigations of consent related incidents are to be recovered under Sections 36(1)(c) and 36(5) of the Resource Management Act 1991.

The costs incurred for the compliance investigations of non-consented incidents will be recovered under Section 150 of the Local Government Act 2002.

Fees payable will be those applicable at the date of issue/granting of a Consent, not the application date.

Printed copy of the District Plan


Public enquiries (including pre-application meetings) that exceed 30 minutes of staff input

$200 per hour

Preparation and change to the District Plan deposit


Land Use: Deposit

Consent for single Rural Dwelling


Vegetation Clearance


Commercial Activity


Industrial Activity


Land use activities (not listed elsewhere)


Limited (where more than one party) or Public Notification of resource consents (in addition to deposit)




Subdivision: Deposit

Subdivisions 2-5 lots


Subdivision 2 -5 lots with Land Use


Subdivisions 6-10 lots


Subdivisions 6-10 lots with Land Use


Subdivisions 11+ lots


Subdivisions 11+ lots with Land Use


General & Certificates

Administration fee for every granted consent


Variations to Resource Consent


Certificates and Permitted Subdivision (Compliance, existing use, marginal and temporary, boundary activities): fixed fee


S125 Extension of time application: fixed fee


s223 Survey Plan Approval: fixed fee


s224 Approval fee

$700 plus staff time if inspection required

s223 and s224 approval combined

$800 plus staff time if inspection required

Monitoring charges

$200 per hour

Release of covenants, caveats, encumbrances, authority and instruction, amalgamations, easements, and other title instruments

$650 plus applicable legal fee


Variations to Designations


New Designations, Notices of Requirement and Heritage Orders


Approval of outline plan


Consideration of waiving outline plan


Personnel time

Planning staff processing time per hour for resource consent activities

$200 per hour

Compliance staff monitoring and investigation time per hour

$200 per hour

Administration staff time per hour

$180 per hour

Incidental costs inclusive of obtaining necessary information

Actual costs of obtaining information

Internal engineering services per hour which exceed 15 minutes

$200 per hour

Independent hearing commissioner

At cost


Issue of infringement notice

$300 - $1,000 pursuant to Schedule 1, Infringement Offences and Fees of the Resource Management Regulations 1999.

Return of items seized pursuant to section 328 of the Resource Management Act 1991: fixed fee


Recreation contribution


5% of the value of each new allotment or the value of 4,000m2 of each new allotment, whichever is the lesser. The minimum charge is $3,931.72 per new allotment and the maximum charge is $5,750 per new allotment, both GST-inclusive.

The above contributions are based on average values of the Westland QV Sales Linesflow data from the 1st July 2022 till the 17th February 2023. ($68.32 per m2)

Performance Bonds


Performance bonds may be put in place from time to time with the amount to be established on a case-by-case basis. Non-refundable lodgement fee $650

Relocated buildings


In addition to Building Consent Fees, and the Building Research Levy, a minimum deposit of up to $10,000 is required for buildings being relocated.

On, Off or Club Licence

Applications and renewals for On, Off or Club Licence are assessed using a cost / risk rating system.  The cost / risk rating of the premises is the sum of the highest applicable weighting for the type of premises and type of licence, the hours of operation and any enforcement holdings in the last 18 months.

Cost/risk rating

Fees category

Application fee $ incl GST

Annual fee $ incl GST


Very low















26 plus

Very High



The cost/risk rating used to set the fees above is calculated using the tables below.

Latest alcohol sales time allowed for premises

Type of Premises

Latest trading time allowed  (during 24 hour period)


Premises for which an on-licence or club-licence is held or sought

2.00 am or earlier


Between 2.01 and 3.00 am


Any time after 3.00 am


Premises for which an off-licence is held or sought (other than remote sales)

10.00 pm or earlier


Any time after 10.00 pm


Remote sales premises

Not applicable



Type of premises

Type of Licence

Type of Premises



Class 1 restaurant, night club, tavern, adult premises


Class 2 restaurant, hotel, function centre


Class 3 restaurant, other premises not otherwise specified


BYO restaurants, theatres, cinemas, winery cellar doors



Supermarket, grocery store, bottle store



Hotel, Tavern



Class 1, 2 or 3 club, remote sale premises, premises not otherwise specified



Winery cellar doors



Class 1 club



Class 2 club



Class 3 club


Enforcement holdings

Number of enforcement holdings in respect of the premises in the last 18 months






Two or more


Definitions for types of premises






A restaurant that has or applies for an on-licence and has, in the opinion of the Territorial Authority, a significant bar area and operates that bar area at least one night a week in the manner of a tavern.



A restaurant that has or applies for an on-licence and has, in the opinion of the Territorial Authority, a separate bar area and does not operate that bar area in the manner of a tavern at any time.



A restaurant that has or applies for an on-licence and, in the opinion of the Territorial Authority, only serves alcohol to the table and does not have a separate bar area.



A restaurant for which an on-licence is or will be endorsed under section 37 of the Act.



A club that has or applies for a club licence and has at least 1,000 members of purchase age and in the opinion of the territorial authority, operates any part of the premises in the nature of a tavern at any time.



A club that has or applies for a club licence and is not a class 1 or class 3 club



A club that has or applies for a club licence and has fewer than 250 members of purchase age and in the opinion of the territorial authority, operates a bar for no more than 40 hours each week.

Remote sales premises


Premises for which an off-licence is or will be endorsed under section 40 of the Act.

Enforcement holding


A holding as defined in section 288 of the Act, or an offence under the Sale of Liquor Act 1989 for which a holding could have been made if the conduct had occurred after 18 December 2013.

Special Licences

The fee payable for a Special Licence is assessed using a cost / risk rating system depending on the size of the event and the number of events applied for.

Large event: Means an event that the territorial authority believes on reasonable grounds will have patronage of more than 400 people.

Medium event: Means an event that the territorial authority believes on reasonable grounds will have patronage of between 100 and 400 people.

Small event: Means an event that the territorial authority believes on reasonable grounds will have patronage of fewer than 100 people.


Issued in respect of

Application fee $ incl GST


1 large event:

More than 3 medium events:

More than 12 small events



3 to 12 small events:

1 to 3 medium events



1 – 2 small events


Cass Square (season hire)

Touch Rugby per season


Softball per season


Rugby - per season


Cricket per season


Soccer per season


Cass Square (casual use)





Wildfoods Festival


Showers and Changing Rooms


Changing Rooms only


Commercial Operators.

To be negotiated depending on type of usage

Any legislative charges under the Waste Management Act will be imposed as a levy if required.

Note: Government requires Council to charge a levy of $10.00 per tonne, or equivalent volume at non weighbridge sites, on all waste disposed of to landfill. This is included in the below fees.

For non-standard loads, the Transfer Station Operators reserve the right:

  • To measure the waste and charge the per cubic metre rate or;
  • To measure the load and use the Ministry for the Environment Conversion Factors for compacted or dense waste.


Hokitika Transfer Station 

Refuse Site Gate Fees

General Waste

Per tonne


60L bag


Green Waste

Green Waste per tonne


60L bag Green Waste uncompacted


Accepted Recyclable Items*

*All glass will be accepted free of charge.




Cars Prepared (Conditions apply, per item)



Non Weighbridge Sites


Uncompacted General Waste


Per Cubic Metre small loads < 0.5m3



Per Cubic Metre large loads > 0.5m3



60L bag



120L Wheelie Bin



240L Wheelie Bin



Small Trailer /Ute (0.68m^3)*



Medium Trailer (0.91m^3)*



Cage or Large Trailer (2.7m^3)*



*Take to Hokitika site. All glass accepted free of charge


Uncompacted Green Waste


Per Cubic Metre



60L bag



Small Trailer /Ute (0.68m^3)



Medium Trailer (0.91m^3)



All Sites: Other Items


Gas Bottle Disposal



Whiteware (Fridges must be degassed, per item)



Tyres (Based on average weight of 7.5kg, per item)



Tyres over 7.5kg e.g. truck tyres



Rubbish & recycling receptacles


Replacement and additional recycling bin 240 L (maximum 2x sets of bins per household)



Replacement and additional rubbish bin 120 L (maximum 2x sets of bins per household)



Delivery fee per replacement bin



Westland Library

Referral to Credit Recoveries – Administration fee






Replacement cards


Lost / Damaged Items

Replacement Cost

No subscription charges for residents of Westland, Buller, Grey or Selwyn Districts.

Interlibrary loans (per item)

$9 - $24.50

Overseas Interlibrary loans (per item)

At cost

Activity Packs

$2 - $5

Book Covering

$15 – $20

Computer print outs A4


Computer print outs A4 – colour





As for computer print-outs

A3 B/W


A3 Colour


Room Hire


Available during library opening hours

History Room

$30 per hour

Digital Learning Centre

$60 for 4 hour block

$100 for 8 hour block