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Hokitika swimming pool upgrade

Why are we renovating the pool?

Council sees a need to upgrade and improve the current Hokitika Swimming Pool to a modern facility and to fulfil the needs of the community.

Funding from central Government will allow us to complete Stage 1, which is to replace core infrastructure starting in 2021. Stage 2 will include renovating the existing changing facilities and creating a new reception and entryway.

Stage 3 is subject to further external funding, and Council plans to build an extension to the pool, to include a heated toddlers or learners swimming pool.

Upgrades to the swimming pool will be staged over a three year period, with the swimming pool open during the summer months and closed during the winter for work to be done. Council offers three-monthly swimming passes.

What work have we done?

Funding received from the Provincial Growth Fund to refurbish the swimming pool in 2 stages.

May - June  Council consulted with the community in the Long Term Plan 2021 - 2031 to expand the Hokitika Swimming Pool to include a separate heated children’s pool (Stage 3) at a cost of $2.38 million.
June Council agreed to Stage 3 development subject to external funding being sourced.
July Evan Jones Construction Ltd appointed main contractor for Stage 1.

Stage 1 completed, including:

  •  All of the structural beams replaced within the roof.
  • Fire protection system over the pool and the majority of the concourse.
  • Fire panels installed.
  • Electrical first fix.
  • Electrical mains to the building have been laid with upgrades to the pools transformer box.
  • The new steel bracing system installed.
  • Both the West and East wall re-cladded.
  • HVAC equipment installed.
  • New accessible toilet and shower room slab poured and walls established.

The project suffered significant delays due to Covid-19 delaying outgoing freight from Auckland.

June - August Stage 2 design work was completed by Team Architects. Building consent applied for. Tender documentation for main contractor prepared. Council made aware that Stage 2 would require further funds. Different funding streams explored.
September Council agreed to fund the additional costs to complete Stage 2 with funding from the Three Waters Better Off tranche 1 funding, unless further funding was provided by Kānoa MBIE.
December Additional $1.42 million in funding received from Kānoa MBIE to complete Stage 3 of the project.

April Council resolved to reallocate $690,000 Better Off funding and take out a loan of $420,000 to complete Stage 2 of the project. This is required to finish seismic upgrades and make the treatment plant compliant.

Evan Jones Construction Ltd appointed main contractor for stage 2.

The design of the new plantroom completed.


The pool was shut and emptied on 6 June 2023 with construction officially starting on site.

  • Demolition of the old change facilities and reception area was completed.
  • The new pool liner installation started.
  • Consent was granted for the new plantroom foundations.
  • The underground soil conditions in the area where the new change facilities is being built was found to be a lower quality than expected causing some minor design variations.

The project has progressed on program with the pool liner and new first aid room completed Foundations has started for both the new plantroom and the new entrance/change facilities.


The plan for August is to pour the floor slab for the new plantroom and start with blockwork to have the plantroom ready to start receiving sand filters in early September. The new shower facilities in the main pool hall is also due for completion in August.

Current status

Stage 2 of the redevelopment project is complete. The Pool closed in October 2023, and reopened in April 2024.

Along with ordinary winter maintenance a new pool water treatment plant was installed, new circulation pipework and pool liner, earthquake strengthening works to the main concourse, and a new reception and changing rooms  built at the Weld Street entrance.